You won’t believe who I met this week.
A very special friend came to visit me, all the way from Canada.
Her name is Hadar and she is a pilot. How awesome is that?
We met while I was living in Toronto in my twenties. Oh boy, it was such a great time of my life until things got messy (:
Being both Israeli women living overseas in a freezing Canadian winter helped us to bond. Eventually, we both left Toronto due to our relationship breakdown. She got divorced after 10 years of marriage (yes, she was young when they got married) and I left with a broken heart, felt like a painful divorce, just without the papers.

I never knew she had a dream to become a pilot. It turns out that neither did she.
A new chapter in her life led her to take flying lessons and from that point, a new dream was born.
Today she is Air Canada’s captain flying over the globe, making history, and contributing to women’s power who chose to become pilots. Did you know that only 5 % of pilots in Air Canada are women? And in El-Al it is 7%. I am so proud of her.
And why I am telling you all this?
Because I had to ask her if it was true that most of the time, pilots use the
Autopilot system. She laughed and said: it’s a very insulting question since the pilots are actually working very hard, multitasking all the time, manually (:

And our conversation made me think about how many of us live on autopilot.
Our lives are moving at a breakneck pace and most of the time we are confronted with almost unreasonable demands clogging up our calendars, while technology runs our worlds. This barely gives us a chance to slow down, make better decisions about our schedules, and routines, or simply do nothing and rest.
Most of the time, we are on the go, on autopilot, because we have been programmed to do so. But maybe we are also afraid we will lose it otherwise. And maybe because we forgot how. And that we can actually take control of our lives and start flying manually to different destinations, choosing different routes.
Sounds familiar?
Yoga can help!
Yoga helps us to attune, to start paying attention to our needs, and to start taking care of our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It reconnects us to our nervous system, to our gut feeling, to ourselves!
Yoga works, but you need to do it(:
Today I was listening to this great podcast with Mel Robbins offering us easy steps to navigating major changes in our lives. It came just on time as our kids will start new schools, and I am facing a new direction in my professional field and we are heading towards new beginnings.
If you speak Hebrew, you might enjoy these video series I recorded during our trip to the Greek Islands. And if you don’t understand Hebrew, you can read the text in English. The visual is universal, sometimes no language is required. Enjoy!
This is the first video in the series.
And this is the last one I uploaded:
If you like the content, please subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Your support means a lot to me.
This September I will be teaching a Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Course in Greece - Level 1 . It is the only residential course for this year that I am offering.
September 6-11, 2023
Next, a non-residential, RYTTC will take place in Tel Aviv with collaboration with Ella Yoga.
More details will be advertised soon.
Here is some Brain Science of restorative yoga for you:
Restorative yoga reduces hyperactivity in the frontal cortex and helps us to regulate interoceptive awareness.
When we practice, our brain waves change, shifting from Beta (active state) through Alpha (meditative state) into the deeper Theta (dream state) and Delta (sleep state).
More than just rest, Restorative practices promote physical, emotional, and psychological healing.
And for those of you already started planning your winter vacation, join me in the sunny, sandy, and exotic Goa in January. Early Bird is open now.
Living Big, Goa Yoga Retreat India- 18-27/01/2024
Before I go, I wanted to tell you this:
Keep learning for your personal growth
Prioritise what is important to you
There will never be enough time to do everything
Keep a daily routine of little things that make you smile
I am grateful to you for following, commenting, asking questions, and signing up.
You're welcome to send this email to your loved ones who you think may benefit from this.
This is where we will be staying in Lefkada this September:
Affiliates I am working with:
Most days I post on my Instagram page, please follow there to connect.
Reply here with any questions or requests, I am listening: