These past two weeks had many hardships I needed to deal with. Let's say way more than usual I have on my plate.
But before I tell you why, I would like to share with you something I read about an inspiring person, Mike Massimino, the astronaut:
‘Mike Massimino failed his Ph.D. the first time. Failed the astronaut test the first three times. Failed to get the highest evaluation when he walked into space the first time. And almost destroyed the Hubble Telescope on the last attempt the US was going to make to fix it. But he did it. He did it all. ‘
Why I am telling you this, you ask.
Well, because when life becomes turbulent and shakes you off your balance, it helps to learn from others how they deal with life.
I was dealing with very troubling news which affected my mood, my relationships with my family members, and anything else for that matter.
I felt like a bus drove over me and I have no idea to get up.
It is knowing that other people on this planet going through similar difficulties and making it through, that helps to stand up and keep going.
But it also can teach you that they are always other ways, solutions, and tools you can apply to get out of the difficulties and succeed.
The process is usually draining, but the outcome is worth every step of trying.
And you know what?
It was a good reminder that life can throw at me really bad stuff and I will still be ok.
I hope when you read this, it will help you to know that you are not alone.
That what you are going through today is only a temporary situation.
Inspire yourself with people who can show you how to get better, surround yourself with people who make you feel like a winner, and always dream big. Don’t let anyone or anything slow you down.
This week I recorded an educational video about How to make Mediation Easy & Accessible. Mediation became part of what I do and who I am. On and off the mat. It is another tool in the toolbox that I carry with me. Yoga is my medicine, my therapist, and my guide.
May it serve you in your yoga path.
If you like the content, please subscribe to my youtube channel.
Your support means a lot to me.
‘’Life and it’s outcomes are contagious. Be where, and with who, you will inherit the greatest possibilities, the greatest encouragement, the greatest knowledge, the greatest joys and friendship.
These are the viruses you want to infect you.
Those are the people and places that will propel you into outer space.
And by “outer space,” in this one case, I am talking metaphorically. Be the person the people around you expect you to be.
Learning something from the people you admire is really the point here. If you do it just once a day you’ll learn 365 incredible things a year.
This will make your life a dream. And then you’ll dream of things you never knew existed.’’
Mike Massimino
How do you feel reading this? Does it inspire you?
Does it make you want to jump out of your bed and explore those adventures you are planning fo a while and never tried?
I hope it does!
Until the next time, when I return from my retreat in Thailand.
And meanwhile some news about my 3 new workshops in Israel:

27/04, Thursday, 18.00-21.00, Studio Neveh Zedek, Tel-Aviv

29/04, Saturday, 10.00-13.00, Yoga Shalla, Zahala, Tel-Aviv

29/04, Saturday, 16.00-20.00, Rishon Letzion
Email me back for more info and registration.
(I will upload all the details to my site at the end of February)
Happy Valentine's Day!
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Most days I post on my Instagram page, please follow there to connect.
P.S. I have a new Facebook account, Vicky Tomsky, please connect here! I am building my friendship list from scratch and would love to connect there!
Reply here with any questions or requests, I am listening: