Today is the beginning of the rest of your life.
This is a thought that runs through my mind since I returned from teaching a 5-day yoga retreat on Evia island. This Retreat was a very special one for me. It has been a while since I felt so present, alive, and passionate about what I do in life, about who I am.
Spending 5 days with this amazing, open-hearted group of people connected me to who I was before so much had changed:
-Relocation to Greece
-Being a mother of three I don’t remember when I laughed so much & felt free. These 5 days on Evia Island awaken in me the burning fire that has been waiting to break through for a long time, and it is clear to me today, that it is not going to fade soon. Not even once, during these 5 days, did it feel like work, but more like play. And this is my friends, the secret of living a healthy & fulfilled life.
Today is the beginning of the rest of my life and I don’t want to live just to make a living. I want to aspire to make a difference.
Here is a question to ask yourself today: '' What can I do to invite more play and inspiration to my life in: my relationship, my time, my work, free time or my yoga practice?
I created this short video with an opening invocation chant and a Sun Salutation for our retreat group and I thought to share it with you. I like to say that motion is lotion and all it takes is 10 min in the morning to move your body. Movement on daily basis can change your life. Enjoy!
I will be teaching in Israel next week
I am very thrilled about my current visit to Israel because it is the first time that I am making space for more play. More spaciousness, friends, beach, & creative meetings.
There are 3 spots left available for my workshop, Moving from the Organs, in Tel Aviv next Thursday: 21/07. I would love to see you there.
Nourishing Me
On Saturday evening, July 23rd, Adriano and I will be hosting a special gathering called Nourishing Me. It will be a fun and friendly circle to introduce you to what I and Adriano are planning for our community this year, which is basically creating a support group for your personal life.
You come as you are to receive guideness & get inspired while cultivating spiritual & physical intelligence. Please send me an email, at vicktomsky@gmail.com
to receive the time and location for our meeting. A beautiful sunset is included(:
I will be teaching, periodically, privates on Zoom until August 15tha
Please enjoy a 25 euro discount as my summer gift to you on any private sessions with me.
To set up a private, please send me an email to: vicktomsky@gmail.com
Your Quote for today:
‘’Aspire to Make a Difference’’
Yours in Yoga,