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Happy People prioritize things that make them happy

Writer's picture: Vicky TomskyVicky Tomsky

‘’Happy People prioritize things that make them happy’’

I heard Mel Robbins say this yesterday in her podcast ‘’Unlock a Happier Life’’.

I actually laughed out loud, because when you think of it, it is such an obvious observation, but how often do we forget to do things that make us happy?

Since my first Yoga Retreat that I had the pleasure to lead in 2014, I began to realize how necessary it is to take time away from everything and everyone once in a while.

When you zoom out from the mundane, away from people who need your attention (like your kids ? your family? or your Workplace? And the list goes on…)

Away from million daily tasks, you can create space & time to tap into your deep potential and recover your happiness within.

I will never forget how one of the participants, a mom to a newborn, told me during our retreat in Kea: ‘’This is the first time in months that I can lay back listening to music and relax. I didn’t realize how exhausted I am until I came here’’

Self-time is, indeed, a radical gift we can give ourselves.

It's when we prioritize ourselves, we remember who we really are, we reconnect to our desires, and our dreams and we are able to re-set our life intentions and purpose.

“We accept responsibility for ourselves when we acknowledge that ultimately there are no answers outside of ourselves. . . . It is our dedication to living with open hearts and our commitment to the day-to-day details of our lives that will transform us.” ~Judith Hanson Lasater

Join me and our intimate group of 15 people max this summer and learn how to prioritize your happiness. YOURSELF!

Together we will learn yoga, ayurveda, and life rituals, and receive practical & concrete tools to help you create an environment of ease for yourself, your relationships, and your work. Eventually, you will be able to take these tools-kit home with you to implement everything you experienced in your daily living.

This is an opportunity to taste HAPPINESS during our 5 days together on the magical island of Lefkada allowing our hearts & minds to open up and heal through the physical, mental, and emotional experiences we are going to explore.

Above you can see some photos from our luxurious sunny resort where the blue sea blends with blue skies.

This is your registration link:

Have a question? Please email me at:

P.S. Not sure if this retreat is for you?

Read at the bottom of this link what others have to say about their experience:

P.S.S. Still not sure?

Join us by April 30th and receive one complimentary massage and a 100-euro discount!

Bring a friend and each of you gets another 50-euro discount!

For more photos check this link and look for Lefkada (:

Today’s video is brought to you by our sponsors....

Just kidding.

Today I am sharing with you a short video with some simple but useful tools that will simplify and refine your understanding and practice of Salamba Sirsasana, aka Headstand, the King pose.

May it serve you.

If you like the content, please subscribe to my youtube channel.

Your support means a lot to me.

The health of the psyche is reflected in and partly created by the health of the body and vice versa.

Upcoming Events:

27/04, Thursday, 18.00-21.00, Studio Neveh Zedek, Tel-Aviv

29/04, Saturday, 10.00-13.00, Yoga Shalla, Zahala, Tel-Aviv

29/04, Saturday, 16.00-20.00, Rishon Letzion

Affiliates I am working with:

Shop FRE products for your glowing skin or give a gift to your loved ones and enjoy a 30% discount with code coupon: VICKYT!

If you are looking to invest in your home yoga practice and purchase a good quality yoga mat or maybe a yoga bolster for your restorative practice and juicy savasana?

Get your Manduka with my coupon code: VICKYTOMSKYOGA

and you’ll receive an exclusive 10% off on your order.

If you live in Israel, visit and get yours with a 15% discount using my coupon code:


If you like to be warmed during your savasana with one of the blankets, you can get yours with my coupon code: Vicky

Most days I post on my Instagram page, please follow there to connect.

Reply here with any questions or requests, I am listening:

Until next time,



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